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 Name Status Version Submitter Date
 Action Man - Operation Extreme - not working 0.09 R3 ToAks 27-Nov-2004  change   delete   comment  
 Rally Cross perfect 0.09 R3 ToAks 27-Nov-2004  change   delete   comment  
 Maximum Force playable 0.09 R3 ToAks 27-Nov-2004  change   delete   comment  
 Jumping Flash 2 - Big Trouble In Little Muu - playable 0.09 R3 ToAks 27-Nov-2004  change   delete   comment  
 King Of Parlor 2 perfect 0.09 R3 ToAks 27-Nov-2004  change   delete   comment  
 International Karate Plus perfect 0.09 R3 ToAks 27-Nov-2004  change   delete   comment  
 Breath Of Fire III perfect 0.09 R3 ToAks 27-Nov-2004  change   delete   comment  
 Gunners Heaven perfect 0.09 R3 ToAks 27-Nov-2004  change   delete   comment  
 Rapid Reload perfect 0.09 R3 ToAks 27-Nov-2004  change   delete   comment  
 Jumping Flash playable 0.09 R3 ToAks 27-Nov-2004  change   delete   comment  
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Display:700-710 of 1098. Total:1411 games in database.

Maximum Force
Status: playable Version: 0.09 R3 Submitter: ToAks Date: 27-Nov-2004
Compiler: no Locale: Japan BiosEmu: no MDEC: Color
SubQ: off Media: CD-Image Warp3D: no

This game works but its one weird acting one.. Compiler MUST be OFF. Game plays fast and no controls problems but there is something wrong with the video that it streams (which you shoot on). If Compiler is set to ON then you will get a message saying your cd is dirty or broken :-)

FPSE - Free/Final PlayStation Emulator Written by BERO and LDChen
AmigaOS 4 version is ported by Mathias "AmiDog" Roslund 2000-2002
Database by Martin Bergmann 2004